Did you know...
Risd participates in this 10- week recycling challenge for colleges. During the first months of the year our recycled goods are collected and counted specifically for this public record of how we compare to over 100 other schools worldwide, and from all 50 states. See how we rank: RISD's stats
This competition reminds us to be particularly careful about what we throw away, every bottle counts to boost our ranking. Think about that next time you choose the bottled water versus tap for lunch!
i feel like we're not a particularly recycle-friendly school. it'd be nice to have paper recycling bins at at least the freshman foundation drawing classes.
You know, I am glad you bring that up. Alan Cantara has called for more recycling in the freshman workrooms for this period of time, and I am sure he will gladly have more recycling added to the drawing rooms now that we know there is not enough.
But I don't think there is a comprehensive enough procedure for the whole school. This is something that 2nd Life hopes to address this semester, particularly as students move out in the spring. If you have any other insights please feel free to share them here, we want to know what you guys are thinking.
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