That time has come again when we need to collect excess materials from all the dormitories. This year we have a new strategy. We are going to set collection points in 15 west, the QUAD, and What Cheer studio and have people bring their stuff to us on Tuesdays and Thursdays May 12th - 29th from 10PM to MIDNIGHT.
If you volunteer for two shifts you can have EXTENDED HOUSING until May 31st, as well as first pick of the goodies! Just fill out your preferred shifts here.
There will be an INFO MEETING tomorrow, May 1st at 10am in OSL. And stay tuned here for more details coming soon!
RISD Move- out 2009

In light of a recent guest lecture at RISD by David Orr the conversation about sustainability was brought back to the top of school discussions. This site was begun by graduate students in graphic design as a way to get the word out about a proposal for sustainable practice at RISD, created by the members of Respond/Design Inquiry Graduate Seminar Winter 2008. The site Seriously?! showcases the proposal and provides a course for action. See what RISD students are starting at our school, and how making waves is exactly what we need right now.
It's Earth Day
To celebrate the occasion 2nd Life is launching the newly revised Greenlist. This document was originally created by a club at RISD as a guide to ecological resources for the RISD community.We aim to keep this line of inquiry open, and ultimately publish another edition of the list to be distributed across campus as a tangible reference guide.
You can view the Greenlist here, and RISD students, faculty and staff are invited to edit the information to broaden the knowledge about their own department or work. Everyone else: please contribute any information you have to this list by commenting on this thread.
2nd Life bins announced as Senior GIFT

It has just been announced that the first ever RISD Senior Class Gift will be 2nd Life recycling bins for campus! You can read more about the gift, and the progress made on the RISD Senior Gift Blog.
Two coinciding events occurred to make this happen:
1.) There is a need, and a want, to expand 2nd life's recycling capacity across campus and into departments.
2.) Our school's new president John Maeda suggested that it would be a good time to start a new tradition together. The senior class agreed that we want to help support the school in this economically difficult time.
Maeda states:
"A senior gift is... about creating something for our community together – ... to demonstrate confidence in RISD and its future. Our senior gift will only be successful if it engages a majority of the Class of 2009 to participate. I hope that you will consider helping RISD design a senior gift that encourages every graduating student to join in."
So 2nd Life bins it is! They will not only serve a greater good for the school, and all the underclassmen who will benefit from the recycling system, but it is also a great way to give back to the departments which are such close knit communities.
This will be a great way for the RISD graduating class of 2009 to leave their mark!
Reusable Posters
2nd life is all about recycling, but we still need to advertise - so we came up with a solution to our paper trail - permanent posters.
We used masonite that we had salvaged from a construction site on campus and sprayed our logo bright orange (our favorite color). The top is a chalk board so that each semester as our hours change we can just come around and update.
These reusable posters will be going up around campus in the coming week!